About me: an anthropologist's pursuit into journalism
I am not your average 26-year old-girl. I enjoy long walks to the morgue and my work experience is varied — ranging from being a professional stylist (apparel), working in healthcare and journalism to chicken sitting. I guess you could call me a “chicken tender” of sorts! I was born and raised in Lexington and received my bachelor’s degree at the University of Kentucky in anthropology. My central focuses within my major were cultural and forensic anthropology. I also speak Spanish and Italian. I have extensive knowledge in regards to culture and have studied Mayan civilization extensively – even to the point of decoding ancient Mayan hieroglyphs. I have studied abroad and participated in an archeological excavation — through Asbury College — which was located in Abel Beth Macaah, Israel. The excavation site dates back to the Old Testament and is mentioned in the bible several times: 2 Samuel 20:14 (story of the wise woman, 10th century), 1 Kings 15:20 (9th century BCE, Aramean con...